The Atlantic Planners Institute (API) is proud to welcome planners and planning champions from across Atlantic Canada to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island for the 2020 annual conference from October 14–16, 2020.
The upcoming API Conference will be themed around the work done by planners in creating “A Place for Everyone.” Whether in housing, recreation, or simple pride of place, the forward-thinking work of planners is critical in creating areas where everyone can feel welcome. But beyond the physical outcomes, the planning process also has a need for everyone to be heard, to know that they have a place in shaping the future of their community.
The Call for Proposals is now open! We invite you to participate in the 2020 API Annual Conference. For the full Call for Proposals, see here:
The deadline for receipt of all proposals is Friday, March 13, 2020.
Come to Charlottetown, October 14–16, 2020 as professional planners from Atlantic Canada gather to discuss, review, and plan approaches to provide aPlace for Everyone.
January 22 at 12:00pm to 12:45pm (12:30pm to 1:15pm NL)
Balancing Community Needs and Climate Change within Nature-Based Approaches (Bilingual Webinar)