Each year API recognizes excellence in planning through the Awards of Excellence.

Committee Members 2019





Committee Terms of Reference

1.0           STATUS

1.1 The Planning Excellence Awards Committee is an ad hoc Committee appointed by Council.


2.1      The Committee shall consist of one faculty representative from Dalhousie University School of Planning, and four other Members to represent each Provincial Branch.  One member of the committee shall be designated by API Council as the Chair and one member of the committee shall be designated as the Vice Chair.


3.1      The members of the Committee shall hold office at the pleasure of API Council for a two year term or until their successors are named or a resignation is received.

4.0      MEETINGS

4.1      The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or when so directed by the Council.

5.0      QUORUM

5.1      A quorum shall consist of the majority of the Members holding office at the time of the meeting.

6.0      DUTIES

6.1 The duties of the Committee are:

  • The committee provides the administrative support for the Planning Excellence Awards program that focuses on recognizing the best in professional planning work undertaken by members in communities and regions across New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador in four categories – Comprehensive Policies and Plans, Physical Plans and Design, Special Research Studies and Public Outreach and Communication.
  • Each year the Committee will seek and review application submissions for the Planning Excellence Awards which will be presented at the annual API Conference.  The deadline for application submissions will be set each year.
  • The Committee shall meet primarily by conference call.
  • Each year to coordinate the Awards program with the organizers of API’s Annual Conference, as well as any other media communications and press releases.
  • Each year the Committee shall establish a budget for the Awards Program for API Council’s consideration.
October 16 to October 18
API Conference 2024