Newfoundland and Labrador are home to some of the world’s greatest geological wonders, and with that comes the challenge and the obligation to ensure they are effectively conserved. This talk will give an overview of the province’s geological heritage, outline the legislative framework under which sites of importance are recognised, and detail the work being done by scientists to better inform the management of Newfoundland and Labrador’s oldest natural treasures.

Dr. Jack J Matthews is an expert on the conservation and promotion of geoheritage. He is a former Postdoctoral Researcher at MUN, where his work helped inform management strategies at the Mistaken Point UNESCO World Heritage Site. More recently, Jack has worked on the Province’s geotourism promotional campaign ‘Beneath Your Feet’, and as a consultant to the Discovery UNESCO Global Geopark. He is an Honorary Associate at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History and a Visiting Fellow at Loughborough University.