The four provincial associations have adopted a Joint Policy on Continuous Professional Learning (CPL). The CPL Committee’s purpose is to provide a harmonized and consistent CPL system across the four provincial associations.

Committee Members 2020

Dallas Gillis, RPP, MCIP, Committee Chair (NBAP)

Frank Palermo, LPP, FCIP (LPPANS) frank.palermo@travis

Ann-Marie Cashin, MCIP (NLAPP)

Committee Terms of Reference

1.0       STATUS

1.1         The Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Committee is a standing committee of API. The purpose of the committee is to provide a harmonized and consistent CPL system across the Provincial Associations (PAs).

2.0       MEMBERSHIP

2.1          The Committee shall consist of at least one Full Member from each Provincial Association, who are members of the Provincial Association in good standing, one of whom shall be from each PA. One member shall be elected by the Committee as the Chair and one member shall be elected as the Vice Chair. One member shall be designated by the Committee as the API member on the National Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) Committee.

3.0       TERM OF OFFICE

3.1          The members and officers shall hold office for a two-year term and until their successors are named or a resignation is received.

4.0       MEETINGS

4.1   The Committee shall meet at the call of the Chair or when so directed by one of the PAs.

5.0       QUORUM

5.1         A quorum shall consist of a majority of the Members holding office at the time of the meeting.

6.0       DUTIES

6.1         The duties of the Committee are:

  1. to provide information to the membership on the CPL program;
  2. to explore methods of delivering CPL programs, including approaches which are multi-Branch in nature;
  3. to determine whether proposals for undertakings qualify for CPL Learning Units (LUs) and, if so, assign the LUs to be applied and published on the API website;
  4. To conduct a yearly review of all members to ensure required CPL LUs are recorded;
  5. to carry out random audits on self-reports from members to determine whether they are in compliance with the CPL program;
  6. to create and maintain a CPL manual for publication on the Provincial Association and API websites;
  7. to make recommendations to the PAs respecting the CPL program, including recommendations around non-compliance of members;
  8. to prepare and submit activities reports to PAs, API Board and the members;
  9. to undertake any other duties with respect to CPL which may be assigned by or agreed to by the Board of API.
March 4 at 2:00pm to 3:00pm (2:30pm to 3:30pm NL)
Liability Insurance Webinar
March 14 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm (12:30pm to 1:30pm NL)
NLAPP General Meeting
October 22 to October 24
2025 API Conference