The Atlantic Planners Institute (API) is undertaking this member survey as part of our commitment to the ongoing resiliency of API and support for members in response to uncertainties created by COVID-19. Responses from this survey support our longer-term interest and strategic objectives related to understanding and supporting member well-being and individual professional resiliency. The information gathered will help guide the organizational planning and work of the Institute over the coming year and beyond.

The survey is intended for current professional members of the Atlantic Planners Institute (API), including Certified (Registered or Licensed), Fellow and Candidate members (that includes such members who are currently on leave from active membership, but not students). If you do not fall into any of these membership categories, please do not complete this survey.

Survey Structure:

The questions in this survey fall within three general areas:

1. Particular questions about current and ongoing impacts, effects and members’ professional and individual circumstances related to the ongoing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

2. Questions more generally about members’ well-being, personal and professional resiliency, and interest in potential enhanced services or support from API.

3. Some questions regarding basic demographic and member information.

All responses to questions from individual respondents are confidential and anonymous.

February 17 at 12:00pm to 1:30pm (12:30pm to 2:00pm NL)
Planners Plate | Geological Treasures of Newfoundland & Labrador: Discovery, Conservation, and the Law
October 22 to October 25
2025 API Conference