Event Name
Smart City Implementation in Small, Rural and Remote Communities
Event Date
July 27, 2020
Event Time
2:00 pm-3:00 pm AT
2:30 pm-3:30 pm NL

Presented by LPPANS

Presenter: Zachary Spicer, Director of Research and Outreach with the Institute of Public Administration of Canada, Lecturer in the Local Government Program at Western University, Associate with the University of Toronto’s Innovation Policy Lab

Studies of “smart cities” primarily focus on large cities but not small, rural and remote communities. As a result, we have a limited understanding of the incentive structures for smaller, remote and rural communities to pursue smart city development. This knowledge deficit is concerning, since the introduction of technology can hold a number of unique benefits for these communities, including easier connections to the rest of Canada and large urban centres, reputation building, improved service delivery and enhanced opportunities for residents.

Smart City Implementation in Small, Rural and Remote Communities Webinar
Mon, Jul 27, 2020 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM (ADT)

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