Manager of Planning
Municipality of the County of AnnapolisAPPLICATION DEADLINE
November 30, 2023General Job Responsibility
Manager of Planning shall be responsible for providing daily support, leadership, coaching and mentoring to all planners and development officers on the Planning and Inspection Services Team during the process of preparing, updating, reviewing and writing the Municipality’s Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw, assist in the processing and review of all development permits and subdivision applications, reviews complaints received from residents concerning unapproved or non-compliant developments, processes applications for municipal planning strategy amendments, development agreements, and site plans, carries out of detailed studies for planning areas, initiates and undertakes plans and studies, acts as the staff resource person for all Planning Advisory Committee and Area Advisory Committee meetings, reviews all public requests for zoning confirmation certificates, reviews the Municipality’s subdivision regulations and municipal servicing specifications, responds to telephone calls, emails, letters, faxes, and other communications, and supports Annapolis County’s Regional Emergency Measures Organization. This job description is a general outline of duties and responsibilities and is not meant to limit the employee’s initiative to expand or increase their work output subject to approval by their supervisor.
This position reports directly to the Director of Planning and Inspection Services.
Specific Job Responsibilities
- Provides daily support, leadership, coaching and mentoring to all other planning and inspection staff, review and advice the Director of Planning and Inspection Services on staff training and resource requirements, and ensure policies and processes are in place to ensure their effective and efficient implementation through consistent and regular performance review.
- Facilitates the process of preparing, updating, reviewing and writing the Municipality’s Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw, including overseeing contractors, planning and hosting of public education and engagement sessions, culminating with completing the legislative requirements of public hearings, public media notification of proposed new documents being considered for adoption, informing council of planning document purpose and expected outcomes at the public hearing(s), and preparing the final documents for submission to Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing.
- Oversees the application form and process for members of the public to submit applications for development permits to allow them to carry out projects in conformance with established land use bylaws and standards, and the development is located within an approved zone for that use, thereafter issuing or denying a permit.
- Administers the process and review of all subdivision applications ensuring the required application is submitted along with completed surveys plans and required fees, followed by a comprehensive review for compliance with minimum lot requirements, on-site or central sewer services, an approved Nova Scotia Department of Public Works property access and breaking ground permit for developments on provincial roadways, any required Nova Scotia Environment and Climate Change approvals for environmental considerations like setbacks from waterways and wetlands, and designation of any requirement parkland dedication required by the Municipality.
- Reviews complaints received from residents concerning unapproved or non-compliant developments that are believed to be in contravention of the Municipality’s planning rules, completing a review of the complaint versus current rules, visiting the property in question to make an assessment, and where it is determined that the complaint is valid, sending a letter to the proposed non-compliant property owner seeking compliance within an established timeframe, and where compliance is not achieved engaging with legal counsel to initiate court action, which may or may not require seeking an interim injunction to stop any current work in progress.
- Processes applications for municipal planning strategy amendments, development agreements, site plans, and amendments thereto, reviewing applications for completeness, preparing reporting for Planning Advisory Committee, advertising of public information sessions or public hearings, and presenting reports to Council for such, approving such documents should they be endorsed by Council or meet Municipal policy and land use bylaw standards.
- When situations require the research and carrying out of detailed studies around planning areas, initiate and undertake plans, studies and other relevant research reports to gather data and information to help support future recommendations or approvals, which may include traffic studies, infrastructure reports, neighbourhood impact studies, provincial Department of Public Works reviews and the like.
- Acts as the staff resource person for all Planning Advisory Committee meetings, planning meeting times and agendas, preparing reports and recommendations with opportunities, risks and timelines, facilitating committee training and ongoing education, and moving forward to Council all applications for positive developments that are complete and meet with at least minimum Municipal Planning Strategy and Land use Bylaw requirements.
- Reviews all public requests for zoning confirmation certificates, assessing for compliance, and issues the certificates thereafter if in compliance and all required fees are remitted.
- No less than every five years, undertakes a full review of the Municipality’s subdivision regulations and municipal servicing specifications, and in conjunction with Director of Municipal Operations, brings forward recommendations for changes to ensure the long-term sustainability of future private sector developments and their impact on municipal infrastructure.
- Review all municipal planning strategies and land use bylaws within no less than five years after the date of adoption and recommend to Council if a full review is required to address concerns or issues, with a full review being required no less than ten years after the date of adoption as required by the Nova Scotia Minimum Planning Requirements.
- Facilitates the organization and work of Area Advisory Committees, including meeting planning, work on developing special planning rules within these geographic areas, developing specialized policies to meet these unique community’s expectations, and brings forward recommendations to Council for approval consideration.
- Responds to telephone calls, emails, letters, faxes, and other communications from the public in a timely manner requesting information about planning documents and rules, permits and applications, approval processes and timelines, and basic information regarding the purpose and need for community planning.
- Supports Annapolis County’s Regional Emergency Measures Organization (REMO) with plans, maps, and input into future climate change mitigation opportunities and strategies, receives feedback on where future development should not take place, and works with the REMO Planning Committee as an active member when requested.
- Understands and appreciates the value of public consultation and education and thrives in meeting new people and discussing how planning can support positive community growth and development, while minimizing negative impacts on rural communities and neighbourhoods, leading to their own personal growth and development in line with the competing municipal and community priorities of development versus protections.
- Prepares reports and presentations for the Director of Planning and Inspection Services and Council on various topics and issues during the year as requested.
- Other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned from time to time by the Director of Planning and Inspection Services.
Qualifications and Expectations
Candidates for this position must possess as a minimum, an undergraduate or master’s degree in planning, urban or rural planning, or a similar educational program, from a recognized post secondary institution and be a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners, or be able to achieve this status within three years of starting this position.
Ideally, the candidate must have a minimum of five (5) years experience working in a municipal or provincial planning setting where the focus has been on interpreting planning rules and regulations and provincial legislation, with preference given to those whose experience is directly or indirectly working with a municipal government organization, or a combination of formal experience and lived experiences.
Due to the nature of this position, the employee must have exceptional reading and report writing skills, as well as comfort and enjoyment with facilitating and presenting public presentations and information sessions to people of all education and interest levels, be adept dealing with difficult people and be able to discuss complex matters in simple terms tactfully and respectfully, be fluent with Microsoft Office, and comfortable working in a fast-paced work environment, often under public pressure. This position will occasionally require work outside of normal office hours including evenings and weekends.
How To Apply
Send your resume with Subject: Manager of Planning to: