The four Provincial Associations within API have agreed to the following joint policy on non-practicing status.

A Regulated Member in good standing who temporarily ceases all active involvement in the practice of planning for an extended period of time may apply in writing to API for temporary leave from active membership subject to the following:

  1. The reasons for such application for leave shall be provided in writing;
    • The consideration and approval of any application for leave shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive Director of API and shall be subject to all rules, policies, procedures, or conditions established by the Provincial Association from time to time;
    • The period of leave shall not normally be less than six months nor exceed 12 months;
    • The period of leave may be extended for an additional 12 months upon application to the Executive Director of API following the initial period of leave;
    • The member shall temporarily forfeit the right to use any professional title and/or designation of the respective Provincial Association for the duration of any period of leave;
    • The duration of and dates for any period of leave shall be specified in writing at the time of application for such leave; and
    • Notwithstanding the duration and dates for any approved period of leave, the member’s eligibility for leave from active membership shall automatically cease upon her/his return to active involvement in the practice of planning and such a member shall immediately notify the Institute in writing of such return to practice.

While on non-practicing status, the Continuous Professional Learning requirements for that member will be reduced proportionately, and they will be eligible for non-practicing membership renewal rates.

When a Regulated member (Candidate or Full Member) makes an application to be considered non-practicing, API will process that application on behalf of the Provincial Association, update the membership database, and inform the respective Provincial Association.

October 23 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm (12:30pm to 1:30pm NL)
NLAPP Planners’ Plate – Supporting Municipal Planning and Management with GIS
November 8 at 11:30am to 1:30pm (12:00pm to 2:00pm NL)
World Town Planning Day and NLAPP Awards
October 22 to October 25
2025 API Conference