2024 API Conference Call for Volunteers

October 25, 2023
Atlantic Planners Institute 2024 Annual Regional Conference Committee Members Needed 

API’s Annual Conference for 2024 will be held October 16-18, 2024 in Saint John, New Brunswick. We are establishing a conference committee as we did in 2022 to ensure a regional scope of annual conference programming, alleviate the volunteer burden on our provincial associations, and create stronger partnerships between API, provincial associations, and the Dalhousie University School of Planning.   

Students are welcome! No conference planning experience is required.  

Members, volunteer to be part of the planning team, be part of creating a wonderful regional learning opportunity, and earn CPL credit!

To express interest in volunteering, please email Alysha at alysha@atlanticplanners.org by November 10, 2023, with the following information: 

  1. Name 

  2. Email Province 

  3. Committee you are interested in:  

  4. Social Subcommittee 

  5. Program Subcommittee  

  6. Sponsorship Subcommittee 

Structure of the Conference Committee: 

  • a Social Subcommittee will be recruited from the host province to organize the social aspects of the program and help plan pre- and post-conference workshops; 

  • a Program Subcommittee will be recruited from our membership with an intent to represent all Provinces to develop the call for proposals, review proposals, identify keynotes and develop the conference program; 

  • a Sponsorship Subcommittee will be recruited from our membership with an intent to represent all Provinces to identify and contact potential sponsors; and  

  • API’s Administrative Centre Staff will provide overall logistics and planning support for budgeting, registration, website, sponsorship agreements, speaker agreements, graphic design, communications, and venue logistics.  API staff will support the work of the subcommittees.  

As much as possible, we would like the subcommittees to include members from across the region, from each provincial association within our membership, and representing all categories of membership.  

We will meet monthly starting mid-November and bi-weekly for the six weeks leading up to the conference. 

Michelle MacDonald  

API Executive Director  
October 22 to October 24
API Conference 2025
October 22 to October 24
2025 Conference Submission