Call for Nominations to PEIIPP Council 2022

May 24, 2022
As chair of the nominating committee, I invite all members of PEIIPP to consider running for PEIIPP Council. Election of a new Council is in compliance with the recently proclaimed Registered Professional Planner’s Act and the PEIIPP Bylaws. Policy GP-02 outlines the Nominations Policy.
ANY regulated member of PEIIPP who is in good standing and who is a permanent resident of Prince Edward Island is eligible to be nominated. Council terms are 3 years in length. Council members who currently serve on PEIIPP Council may re-offer and stand for election, to serve a maximum of six consecutive years as per Bylaw 5.2 (1).
This is a great opportunity for new members and candidate members to get involved and get to know other planners, and to promote the Prince Edward Island Institute of Professional Planners.
Please contact me directly at harperpei@gmail.com for further details.

Janice Harper MPL RPP

Timeline Nominations 2022

May 24, 2022 – Call for Nominations released
June 7, 2022 - Call for nominations closes.(open min 2 weeks)
June 8, 2022 – AGM Agenda with Nominations slate released (2 weeks before AGM)
June 23, 2022 - AGM including elections – 6pm EST
July 6, 2022 – PEIIPP council Meeting to elect new officers and establish meeting schedule
October 16 to October 18
API Conference 2024