Ministerial Statement – Minister Recognizes Importance of Professional Land Use Planning

April 19, 2022
The following statement was read in the House of Assembly on April 13, 2022 by the Honourable Krista Lynn Howell, Minister of Municipal and Provincial Affairs:

Speaker, I recently had the pleasure of joining members of the Professional Planners Association of Newfoundland and Labrador for a virtual event, focusing on the important contribution planners make to the growth and vitality of communities.

Over half of the municipalities in the province have municipal plans and development regulations. Other municipalities are working towards preparing their first plans. Municipalities understand the importance of establishing goals for sustainable development and improving the quality of life for their residents.

Planning is an essential tool to attract industry, residents, and professionals, which are all vital to achieving vibrant and sustainable local communities. Through land-use planning, municipalities have a consistent set of rules that apply to everyone and can help meet community goals.

Speaker, as we review the Joint Working Group Report and Recommendations on Regionalization, it is clear that land-use planning is a critical component to guide our communities into the future.

With that in mind, the Department of Municipal and Provincial Affairs will begin work towards preparing Professional Planners legislation. This is a very important step in the process of developing professional self-regulating legislation for the association. I look forward to working with the association as we begin this work.
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