PEIIPP News From Council Volume 1

News From Council

November 23, 2021

Dear PEIIPP Members,

November is well underway and in a few short weeks it will be one year since PEIIPP was established with the proclamation of the RPP Act. We have grown to 27 members, including a number of members from Atlantic Canada and Ontario, who are members maintaining a secondary affiliation with PEIIPP in addition to their home association.

As your Council, we are delighted to share with you some of the work we have been engaged in since our first Annual General Meeting in April 2021.

Late summer we had our two Governor-in-Council appointments join us on Council – Erin Kielly and Lynne McKenna Fleming. Lynne has taken on the additional responsibility as Treasurer for PEIIPP. I know you join us in welcoming them to Council. They both bring valuable experience and skills to the Council table.

We have arranged for the Official RPP stamp for members and have already made delivery on some for RPPs who placed their orders.

The annual call for nominations for the Murray Pinchuk Community Builder Award have now closed and we will be announcing the award winner soon.

We were also asked to provide comment on the draft amendments to the Planning Act. The deadline for feedback was very tight, however, PEIIPP did provide comment, not all of which was incorporated into the latest draft amendment. Nonetheless, it was a very positive sign to be asked to provide comment before the draft legislation was tabled.

This fall the Council is working on developing a Strategic Plan to guide our work over the next 3 to 5 years. We would like to thank members who took the time to reply to our short survey identifying priorities last month.

As a first step, we have developed a Vision, Mission and Values for PEIIPP as an organization.


Professional planners are leaders recognized for facilitating the creation of spaces and places that protect and enhance the common good.


To advocate, collaborate, and promote excellence in planning in Prince Edward Island.


In all the Institute does, we will:

  • Seek to achieve the highest standards

  • Maintain transparency and accountability

  • Foster resilience and sustainability

  • Value collaboration

  • Support and promote the profession and members

  • Act with competency and integrity

  • Advance equity, diversity, and inclusion

Over the coming weeks we will be working on finalizing our strategic goals and a strategic action plan for 2022 aligned to these goals. To this end, we invite feedback from the membership on these core elements of the Strategic Plan.  Once finalized, this Plan will be shared with PEIIPP members and posted on our website.

As a new organization, our Council and members have made great strides in a small window of time.  We acknowledge the steps we have made together and recognize how far we have and wish to grow.  A successful year behind us has established our direction towards an even more fulfilling future at PEIIPP.  Thank you all for being a part of the roots of an organization that will continue to grow from a strong foundation.



PEIIPP Council

October 23 at 12:00pm to 1:00pm (12:30pm to 1:30pm NL)
NLAPP Planners’ Plate – Supporting Municipal Planning and Management with GIS
November 8 at 11:30am to 1:30pm (12:00pm to 2:00pm NL)
World Town Planning Day and NLAPP Awards
October 22 to October 25
2025 API Conference