February 17 at 12:00pm to 1:30pm (12:30pm to 2:00pm NL)
Planners Plate | Geological Treasures of Newfoundland & Labrador: Discovery, Conservation, and the Law
October 22 to October 25
2025 API Conference
Building Grassroots Support for Provincial Planning Framework/Bâtir un soutien populaire pour le cadre de planification provincial
Phase 1: Building a Case Study
Building a Business Case: English
Phase 2: Stakeholder Engagement/ Engagement des intervenants
New Brunswick Association of Planners Stakeholder Engagement Outcomes March 1, 2017
Association des urbanistes du Nouveau Brunswick Résultats de l’engagement des intervenants 1 Mar 2017
Phase 3: NBAP/AUNB Future Focus Futur
Part 1: Gay Drescher: English / Français
Part 2: Gordon Smith: English / Français
Part 3: Grant Melnychuk: English / Français
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